Inventory Sale
With new projects on the horizon, I am holding a sale of my current inventory.
Purchase items listed below by emailing or visiting Sung Spirit on Facebook or Instagram.
Items Available
$12 each, includes shipping
Banded Carnelian: Increase confidence, vitality, and life force energy; fuel passion and sensuality
Fire Quartz: Ignites passion; overcoming fears; root chakra; stability and security
Golden Healer Quartz: Gentle energy; prepare for healing; courage and confidence; amplifies intentions and intuition
Smoky Quartz: Grounding; improve mental/emotional stability; dispel negative energy
Sunstone: Power of the sun; boosts life-force energy; motivation; optimism; experiencing joy
Yellow Aventurine: Solar plexus chakra; releasing control; creativity; reveals capabilities
Wood Grid: Used to set and amplify intentions in routine rituals or special enchantments; attraction and manifestation
3 for $6 or 5 for $8, includes shipping
Mix + Match: Golden Healer Quartz, Fire Quartz, Banded Carnelian, Smoky Quartz, Sunstone, Yellow Aventurine
I truly love the one I picked. Sung Spirit made my purchase safe and easy. [They were] wonderful to work with...My Autumnal Equinox Gridding Set was received quickly. Love it! Thank you, Sung Spirit!
-Sharon S